Reflux is defined as the passage of gastric contents into the oesophagus with or without regurgitation and/or vomiting. In children with reflux (Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GER)/Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD)), a thorough assessment should be performed by a dietician.
The assessment will include feeding history, age of onset, the volume of feed, type of formula, and mixing instructions/details regarding breastfeeding sessions and identifying possible environmental triggers. Beat Dieticians will also assess the growth and development of your child for early identification of side effects due to reflux with a specific focus on preventing failure to thrive.
Beat Dieticians will guide you on the following:
- Thickened feeding
Thickened feeds have been shown to reduce visible regurgitation significantly.
- Safety of thickeners
We will discuss the options available and decide on the best product for your child.
- Possible reduction in feeding volume
Your dietician will assess the current feeding practices and identify whether overfeeding might be leading to the development of GER/GERD.
- Elimination of Cows Milk Protein (CMP)
Requires careful consideration by your dietician before eliminating Cows Milk Protein (CMP). In breastfed infants, the mother can eliminate CMP by eliminating all dairy, including casein and whey from her diet.
- Parental guidance, education, and support
Beat Dieticians will be an integral part of the management of GER/GERD in your child and can assist in informing caregivers about treatments options, side effects and complications.