

We realise that breastfeeding is not easy for all mothers and for some mothers, there is no other option but to formula feed. We want to encourage you to seek the help of a qualified professional to support you during this process.

Beat Dieticians are skilled in assisting mothers with correct positioning and latching of the baby to the breast. We also have experience in dealing with breastfeeding problems such as incorrect latching, reduced milk supply, painful and bruised nipples, mastitis and thrush. We have more than 2 years' experience working in Mowbray Maternity Hospital and served as the chairperson for the MBFI (Mother Baby Friendly Initiative) and assisting mothers with early initiation of breastfeeding.

Whether you decide to breast-or formula feed your infant, we will support you in your journey.

Basic Tips

How long must I feed?
There are no rules for the duration or frequency of breastfeeding, feed your baby according to the hunger cues. Start with one breast and feed until the baby leaves the breast. Ask your dietician about hunger cues!
How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk?
If the baby has:
  • 6-8 wet nappies/day
  • 8-12 feedings/24hr
  • Good weight gain (visit your dietician/clinic to weigh your baby regularly)
How long must I continue breastfeeding ?
We recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life (no water bottles, milk bottles, medicine bottles, tee or food). After 6 months you can start introducing food together with breast milk. Continue breastfeeding until the baby is at least 1 year of age.
Breastfeeding problems
Remember, most breastfeeding problems are preventable and treatable. We strongly advise that you form part of a reliable, reputable support network whilst breastfeeding. Join local breastfeeding groups and be careful to follow the advice of just anyone. La Leche League International is a very reliable online platform with fantastic advice to breastfeeding mothers.
Not enough milk?
If you are concerned that you don't have enough milk, seek the advice of an expert. Different mom's milk differs as it is specific for her baby. The first milk that comes out (called foremilk) is often watery as it quenches the thirst of the baby. Thereafter, the hindmilk is richer in fat and protein and will lead to satiety.
Your milk is perfect for your baby
Every mom has enough milk for her baby. The more the baby suckles, the more milk you will have. Your breast will continue producing milk as long as the baby drinks. If you feel that your baby doesn't get enough milk, let the baby drink more often and for longer periods of time.
Are your breasts to full?
Try the following:
  • Put a warm or cold cloth on your breasts
  • Massage your breasts in the shower, bath or over the basin, and milk a small amount of breast milk out
  • Place a clean, coleslaw leaf in your bra. Cut a hole where your nipple is. Replace the leaf every 2-3 hours
Breast infection/mastitis
The breast gets red, swollen and painful. The pain is in a specific area of the breast. The mothers usually have a fever and flu-like symptoms. Mastitis can lead to the development of an abscess, seek help with managing mastitis. When mastitis occurs, try the following:
  • Continue breastfeeding The more you breastfeed, the quicker the breast will heal. The baby won't get an infection from the breast. Start with the breast that is least painful.
  • Place a hot cloth on the painful area
  • Sleep enough
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes and comfortable bra's
  • Visit the clinic should the pain not resolve
Sore nipples
Incorrect latching could be the cause of sore nipples. Allow your dietician/clinic sister to evaluate the attachment.
  • Place breast milk on the sore area.
  • Keep on breastfeeding. If the attachment is correct, it won't be painful.
  • Avoid creams or oil as it will worsen the problem.
This is inflammation that can occur on the mother's breast or in the baby's mouth. You will see it like dots on the breast or in the baby's mouth. It occurs as an itchy, burning feeling on the breast, and the breasts are sore. The nipples are very red or full of blisters. If this occurs, follow the following advice
  • Mother and baby must be treated together at the clinic.
  • Keep your breasts dry. Place a soft, dry cloth on the breast after feeding.

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